Mar 31, 2009

Articles you need to publish

If there's any topic related to wildlife/conservation/info of sri lanka which u needs to be published here feel free to post your suggestion as a comment here. We always welcome you to add your suggestions. Thank You


sony kitty said...

yes this is a really good idea. how about a complete guide to sri lankas fauna and flora?

RoyalMc said...

good idea but not practical enough. better add all the info one by one divided into categories. so more information can be included in more generous manner.

stickerz said...

Yes nice comments guys. i agree with Royal. the complete guide topic is good. but from where to start. that a vast area to cover. even it's something that should be written in a guide book. never mind. we'll try to make that happen. but one by one. because there are actually books which we have to buy but very few resources on this online issue.

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