Marine Turtles are a successful group of animals that have witnessed the rise and fall of the dinosaurs. They have inhabited the earth for over 100 million years and survived in great numbers until recent past. They have evolved from large, land living tortoise-like animals. Their body consists of a head, short neck, pair of long fore flippers, pair of short and rounded hind flippers and a tail. Upper carapace and lower plastron make a protective structure (box) for internal organs. Unlike tortoises and freshwater terrapins they are unable to withdraw their head and limbs into their shell. Marine turtles do not have teeth but their sharp, beak-like jaws can crush, tear or bite depending on their diet, which varies according to species.Turtles are reptiles (Class: Reptilia, Order: Chelonia) hence cold-blooded animals. Therefore, the environment determines their body temperature. In the morning, marine turtles "sunbathe" at the surface of the sea to increase their body temperature. They have lungs to breathe air. Turtles rise to the surface to breathe every 5 - 30 minutes. Over millions of years they have become very well adapted to living in a marine environment. With their long and muscular oar-like fore flippers, rudder-like hind flippers and their flattened, streamlined shells, marine turtles are fast and agile swimmers.
The only time marine turtles leave the ocean is when the females come ashore to nest. In some areas they can be seen having their "sunbathe" on beaches or rocks. The males spend all their time at sea and little is known about their habits. Most species are highly migratory, moving between nesting and feeding grounds, which can be thousands of kilometers apart. We do not know exactly how long turtles live, but they are generally assumed to have a life span greater than 80 years. It is thought that marine turtles reach sexual maturity between 15 - 50 years of age depending on the species. Until maturity it is difficult to distinguish between male and female turtles. When they reach maturity, male turtles develop a long claw on each fore flipper and a long tail. The way that an egg-burdened female finds her way to her nesting beach is still a mystery! Some scientists believe that marine turtles are sensitive to earth's magnetic field and use it for navigation. They are often found using not only the same sandy beach but also the very same stretch of beach they used in previous years. Hybrids and Albino specimens could be seen among the marine turtle species. Today seven species of these ocean dwelling reptiles representing two families, Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae remain. All of them are now threatened with extinction due to man's destructive activities.
Species of marine turtles found in Sri Lanka
Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta):
Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas):
Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea):
Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea):
The Olive Ridley turtle is the smallest of the marine turtles. The adults weigh less than 40 kg and measure up to 65 cm in length. They are found mostly in the tropical Indian, south Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They are omnivorous, eating crustaceans, fish and some marine vegetation . Olive Ridley turtles are considered as "Endangered" species today. Arribada - In a few countries, Olive Ridley turtles nest on a beach in a huge congregation known as an "arribada". This Spanish word means "the arrival". For example, in India, 600,000 Olive Ridley turtles have been recorded nesting on the same beach over a period of a few weeks. Despite the apparently large populations Olive Ridley turtles are endangered. This is because so many individuals of this species depend on the security of a small number of important beaches for nesting.
Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata):
Turtle Nesting Beaches in Sri Lanka
Turtle hatching can be seen in the coastal area from Mt. Lavinia to Galle and Tangalle to Arugam bay.
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Threats To Marine Turtles
- Natural Threats
- Killing for Their Meat
- Killing for Shell
- Egg Collection
- Turtle by-catch
- Non-Scientific turtle hatchery practices
- Habitat Destruction
- Coral mining
- Beach erosion
- Beach front development
- Marine pollution
this is great. thanx bro
this is the first step of a guide to sri lanka's fauna and flora. actually most of the people don't like to visit sites like this. i mean sites on nature. it's good to see u guys here. thanx for the comment and hope this will help u a lot. regards.
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